There comes a time in my job, once or twice a year, where the projects dry up and you slowly find yourself s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out everything you need to do, doing the admin work you never usually have time for (backing up all of your files, for example), and wondering how you are going to fill in the next 8.5 hours on the clock.
Nobody likes to not work. Especially when they are being paid to work. Especially when management is casting for a new line up on soon-to-be-ex-employees. A time when being caught chatting on facebook is not a good look. A time when it simply isn't wise to run up to your boss with your tongue flapping asking for some new projects. This will certainly get you on the list. You have to appear to be so busy that you are indispensible. At least for this round (at the current rate, firing rounds are every 3 months, next one rumoured for next week).
Right now I am busy on squat diddly. I've made a to do list and realised I have 2 open cases and both those are dependant on other people pulling their finger out. I've archived all my jobs from the last 6 months. (Apart from 2 projects that were shelved and one that I can't find but think it was a document they gave to a non writer and it begins "In 1929…") and I've muda'd my desk. (A few years ago we had a tidy up the office drive and called it muda. Its supposed to be Japanese.)
I even wrote to support to see if they fancied making up a user tip which is usually something they bug me to do when I have no time.
- Do you have some tips or something for me to do??
- Not really, But I can scrape something together , why?
- Bored.
- Shhhhuush Not so loud. I have some very angry turks writing us letter, but a bit sensitive. Very funny probably to someone from outside support.
- Give me whatever you have and regale me with tales of anything interesting.
- No.
- pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
[no response]
Oh well, back to facebook. No change in the last 5 minutes. It's obviously all part of THE EXPERIMENT.
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