Monday, February 16, 2009

dum de dum nothing to do

I went shopping yesterday. Killing time, really. Now that the babysitter is firmly in place giving me free time, I’m actually at a loss as to WHAT EXACTLY to do with the extra time. Sure, there are a gazillion things I could do, but most of them involve being at home and in bed. And definitely not things to squeeze into an hour.

So I dragged my sorry ass around the mall. Devoid of actually needing anything, I wandered aimlessly as a cloud. I checked out skirts for baby girl zebra. I checked out books for baby boy zebra. I checked out Fox’s new summer collection. It looks like they have given up any hope of winter actually coming at all this year and have decided to push on through to strappy tops and shorts. I actually heard the shop assistant breezily insisting to a man (obviously a man) that three-quarter length trousers could be worn day to day even now. Outside it was very windy and rather chilly. And I’m significantly more laissez-faire than most Jewish mothers and never have my kids wear vests.

I left the mall with a clean car, hair clips, and spongebob squarepants toothpaste. And I still had 45 minutes left to kill. I’m going to have to be a lot more inventive on Thursday because we sure as hell won’t need any more toothpaste.

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