Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i reaslise if i were a man, a dodgy wrist would produce titters from my peeps

My friend Ora has been hitted by some carpel tunnel in her wrists and for the last couple of days, I have too. Although with me, its unlikely to be the repetitive typing or the sitting at the computer for hours on end. Mine can be blamed on:
1. Lifting Le Cruesset with your left hand
2. Performing front support in Pilates
3. Being a dumbass

Its a serious disability. I am unable to do CTRL+T, CTRL+E, or even any work that doesn't involve surfing.

And so, I am off to the .uk tonight to get off of my wrist. And there, I will complain about the cold and how its affecting my joints. You can take the girl out of Britain...

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