Monday, November 24, 2008

a little green spot on a ball

Its been long known to me that my husband is notoriously bad at geography and I will often throw him random trivia questions such as "What continent is Cameroon in?" and "What color are the people who live in the Ivory Coast?" just to get him confused. But I didn't realise that the phenomena was spreading.

Yesterday, over at friends, Shaili gave the mother their inflatable globe and asked her to find Israel for her. As the seconds yawned into a minute, for a moment there I really thought she might not find it. Israel... Israel... Eventually she found it, a small green speck at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean sea where we left it. I don't know what was scarier, that, or the fact that when Shaili asked her to find it, she said "Can you find the land of...", physically went away and thought about it for a minute, came back and triumphantly said "Israel!". Ach! but its easy to forget where you live when you're 4.

Afterwards, Shaili explained to me that we live between the sea and the makolet*. She gets that from me.

*makolet=corner shop

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