Thursday, October 30, 2008

Highlights of a public service announcement

Subject: some do's and A Don't for Scared Dogs due to Thunder .
(you can't mke this stuff up!)
A- When the Thunders claps , say "wow" Snowy did you hear that . Clap your hands too then give him a treat . Don't over-do it or everytime he hears a noise he will look for the treat .
B-If you have Lady & The Tramp put it in and share a bowl of popcorn with Tasha in bed (no just kidding).
D-If you have an old T-Shirt(a yankee one will do) that will fit tightly on their chest . Put it on them.


  1. Where is C? I only see A, B, and D.
    What is a yankee T-shirt?
