Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009: will walk around kicking people's asses with great footwear

Recently I've bought two pairs of heals that are so fucking luscious that I can hardly control myself! They are so comfortable I get to wear them all day long and sleep with them all night long and life has never been better.

The first pair I noticed at a great social event: the 4 year old's birthday party. Not on a four-year old.

Immediate case of MUST-HAVE-ME-THOSE-SHOES!

I rushed out that very weekend and got them. Or, I would have gotten them had they had my size in stock, so I had to order them in and then wait another week.

Here they are:
Top view:


Birds eye view:

Other side view:

nab yourself a pair here!

Also, I got some red ones from in England from a well-known high street store.


OK, watch out! I'm coming to stamp on your face!